Crypto-Carnivores—Buy steak & seafood vouchers with Bitcoin!

There’s only one way to celebrate your cryptocurrency gains: surf ‘n turf. Order a juicy steak and enjoy the flavors of the ocean with…

There’s only one way to celebrate your cryptocurrency gains: surf ‘n turf. Order a juicy steak and enjoy the flavors of the ocean with these top US restaurants.

Are you a Crypto-Carnivore?

Accompanied by a healthy selection of popular fast food vouchers, Bitrefill satisfies your carnivorous hunger with vouchers at 8 great restaurants across the US. Purchase vouchers with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, and Dogecoin, and treat your family, friends, and significant other to a delicious dinner — as a Crypto-Carnivore.

Besides, nobody likes an Altcoin-Vegan anyway.

Sink your teeth into these popular steakhouses and grills:

Or hit the seas and dine at one of these fabulous seafood restaurants:

We’re hungry for more ways to help you live on cryptocurrency — especially since you can’t live on pizza and noodles forever. Keep up with the latest at — we’re slangin’ vouchers for video games, entertainment, retail, travel, mobile top ups, and so much more.

Bitrefill makes it possible for people around the world to live on cryptocurrencies with mobile top ups in over 160 countries, and gift cards for travel, video games, restaurants, entertainment, and more using Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, and Dogecoin. For quicker access to purchasing top ups and gift cards, download the Android and iPhone apps.

Start browsing Bitrefill’s extensive list of gift cards »

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