Feast like a beast! Buy food with Bitcoin at these 6 restaurants

Eat your cryptocurrency at Burger King, Papa Johns, Dominos, Chipotle, Dunkin’ Donuts, and The Cheesecake Factory — only at Bitrefill.

Eat your cryptocurrency at Burger King, Papa Johns, Dominos, Chipotle, Dunkin’ Donuts, and The Cheesecake Factory — only at Bitrefill.

If you’re considering living on cryptocurrency, you won’t get too far if you can’t fill your stomach. Beat the hunger pangs and use your Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dash, and Dogecoin at 6 of the most popular fast food and dining restaurants with chains across the US.

It’s a fact — every cryptocurrency believer should buy a meal with it at least once. The introduction of food and restaurant vouchers brings the community even closer to living easily on cryptocurrency. Head to bitrefill.com to shop the latest vouchers!

Bitrefill makes it possible for people around the world to live on cryptocurrencies with mobile top ups in over 160 countries, and gift cards for travel, video games, restaurants, entertainment, and more using Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, and Dogecoin. For quicker access to purchasing top ups and gift cards, download the Android and iPhone apps.

Start browsing Bitrefill’s extensive list of gift cards »

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