Korea now Supported on Bitrefill!

It’s now possible to refill prepaid phones in Korea using Bitcoin, and altcoins!

It’s now possible to refill prepaid phones in Korea using Bitcoin, and altcoins!

Use Bitcoin, Litecoin, or Dash to refill phones and buy gift vouchers for family and friends

We’re proud to announce that it’s now possible to refill your mobile with cryptocurrency in South Korea!

All you have to do is visit http://www.bitrefill.com/south-korea, type in your number, select operator and amount, and pay with Bitcoin or altcoins!

We currently support mobile phones from SK Telecom, Korea Telecom, and LG U+. We’re always working hard to add more, so if we don’t yet support your provider, ping us on Twitter so we can make a note @bitrefill.

Here’s how it works.

If you’d like to avoid paying blockchain transaction fees every time you recharge sign up to Bitrefill Accounts, and deposit enough BTC for multiple recharges.

Here you can watch Bitrefill Accounts in action.

Don’t Leave Your Friends Behind…

Friends and family like being told first, right…? Keep’em happy by sharing the good news. If you know someone in Korea who might need a Bitcoin mobile refill, please help share the news.

Hey friend, just letting you know that Bitrefill now lets you refill prepaid phones using Bitcoin in Korea!

Anywhere, anytime, to anyone!

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