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AirlineGift Gift Card

AirlineGift Gift Card

This gift card is only redeemable on the e-commerce platform

Pay on AirlineGift with Crypto. Buy AirlineGift Gift Cards with Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash. Instant email delivery. No account required. Start living on crypto!

🇸🇪 This gift code may only work in Sweden
  • 5000 SEK

  • 10000 SEK

  • 15000 SEK

  • 20000 SEK

6,000+ cryptocurrencies accepted
    No Account Required
    Email Delivery
    Instant, Private, Safe

AirlineGift offers the world’s best airlines gift card and online travel booking selection with a unique choice of 450 Airlines to book a flight to almost anywhere in the world. AirlineGift offers travel brands such as Delta Airlines, American Airlines, United Airlines, British Airways, Qantas, Air France, KLM, Southwest Airlines, Air Canada, Emirates, Etihad, Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines and hundreds of other trusted travel partners. AirlineGift provides a unique feature of online split payments allowing you to use two payment cards to complete your purchase transaction with instant bonus travel rewards.

Can only be redeemed (used) online through this website:

1) Register an account on and click on Book Trip | Redeem

2) Search, book and purchase according to your product needs. the

3) Once you have selected the option that best suits your needs, enter the details of the person or all persons involved in the booking or product transaction

4) Go to the checkout page, copy and paste your e-Gift Card code into the "Redeem e-Gift Card Code" box, then click "Submit", the next step is to agree to the terms and conditions, click "Order Now" to complete your order and transaction, and you will receive a confirmation email shortly.

1. Högst 2 e-presentkortskoder per transaktion är tillåtna. Om du sätter ditt e-kort på kortet kan du använda skillnaderna med Visa, MasterCard eller American Express.

2. TripGift-presentkort är giltiga i 12 månader från utfärdandedatum, med undantag för presentkort för invånare i Nordamerika, som inte upphör att gälla. Förfalloperioden är 60 månader i Irland och 36 månader i Australien och Tyskland, med förbehåll för lokal statlig lag och eventuellt erforderligt andrahandsvärde för varje stat och land. Se för fullständiga garantivillkor och garanti i bosättningslandet

3. Allt innehåll på webbplatsen, kundtjänst, biljetter och e-vouchers är på engelska. Presentkort och e-kuponger kan inte utfärdas eller återbetalas.

4. För snabba svar och frågor om presentkort och bästa användningsområden, besök

1. A maximum of 2 e-gift card codes per transaction are allowed. If you put your e-card on the card, you can use the differences with Visa, MasterCard or American Express.

2. TripGift Gift Cards are valid for 12 months from the date of issue, with the exception of gift cards for North American residents, which do not expire. The maturity period is 60 months in Ireland and 36 months in Australia and Germany, subject to local state law and any required resale value for each state and country. See for full warranty terms and conditions and country of residence warranty

3. All website content, customer service, tickets and e-vouchers are in English. Gift cards and e-vouchers cannot be issued or refunded.

4. For quick answers and questions about gift cards and best uses, visit

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How gift cards work

Enter the amount

Select or type the amount you want the card to have.

Pay with your preferred coin

Your payment is confirmed the same minute in most cases.

That's it, ready to use it!

Redeem your card at your chosen retailer according to their instructions.

Frequently asked questions

Check out our Knowledge Base page for more FAQs

AirlineGift does not accept crypto but Bitrefill provides a workaround by allowing you to purchase an AirlineGift gift card with Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. This gift card can then be used to make purchases at AirlineGift.
  1. Enter the amount you want the AirlineGift gift card to have.
  2. Choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for payment, such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin or Dash. Alternatively you can pay using Binance Pay.
  3. Once your payment is confirmed, you will get your AirlineGift gift card code.
Once you have purchased an AirlineGift gift card at Bitrefill, it will be emailed to you almost instantly. Or you can redeem the gift card directly from the checkout page.
Some great gift cards that people in Sweden usually buy are Uber & Uber Eats, USD, Airbnb, Ving and Ticket. You can find a lot more options by visiting the gift card section.
If you have a question that's not answered here, you can visit our help center and we'll be happy to assist you.