Health & Beauty
88 PHP - 5000 PHP
Oren Thai Touch Massage and Spa
100 PHP - 5000 PHP
Puregold PHP
50 PHP - 25000 PHP
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
Aventus Medical Care
100 PHP - 5000 PHP
500 PHP - 5000 PHP
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
100 PHP - 1000 PHP
Bruno's Barbers
50 PHP - 10000 PHP
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
Certified Calm
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
Daiso Japan
100 PHP - 1000 PHP
De Los Reyes Optical (Focal Sight International) PHP
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
Doctor Anywhere
500 PHP - 3500 PHP
Fashion Smile Dental Spa
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
Hair X Hair Removal
300 PHP - 5000 PHP
Happy Skin
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
Hi-Precision Plus PHP
50 PHP - 30000 PHP
Jing Monis Salon
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
60 PHP - 999 PHP
Landers Superstore
500 PHP - 5000 PHP
Lay Bare PHP
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
100 PHP - 20000 PHP
Mind Nation
100 PHP - 5000 PHP
Miss Esthe PHP
50 PHP - 20000 PHP
100 PHP - 10000 PHP
MyHealth Clinic PHP
50 PHP - 25000 PHP
Nail Spa
100 PHP - 5000 PHP
NoseFrida PHP
500 PHP - 5000 PHP
Showing 30 out of 73
How gift cards work
Enter the amount
Select or type the amount you want the card to have.
Pay with your preferred coin
Your payment is confirmed the same minute in most cases.
That's it, ready to use it!
Redeem your card at your chosen retailer according to their instructions.
Frequently asked questions
Check out our Knowledge Base page for more FAQs
- Select your gift card along with the desired value.
- Complete the required fields to proceed to the payment method.
- Choose your preferred cryptocurrency and send the corresponding amount to the provided cryptocurrency address or scan the QR code using your mobile wallet.
- Once the payment is made, the digital gift card code should arrive within a few moments and you will be emailed a copy too.