59s UVC LED Sterilization Gift Card
Bitrefill's 59s gift card lets you purchase LED sterilization lights and pay with Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and USDT.
About 59s UVC LED Sterilization Keep Calm. Sterilize Anywhere.
59S lets you take the superior sterilization that only UV-C can provide, anywhere and everywhere you go.
Designed with power and portability in mind, most 59S units include a 2000 mAh powerbank that can be used in 15 full cycles of sterilization before recharging.
And with its premium LED UVC bulbs that can achieve UVGI (Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation) in just 3 minutes, you can rest assured that you and your family are protected even on the go.
59S UVC LED bulbs can last up to 10,000 hours of sterilization before needing to be replaced.
So if you want to extend the safety of UVC sanitization outside your home, choose a 59s product that’s right for you and your lifestyle. It can be redeemed in Parenting Emporium headquarters in 29 1st Street, New Manila, Quezon City or Parenting Emporium stores.
For list of store, you may visit: http://theparentingemporium.com/store/ Enjoy your gift! HOW IS IT SENT? You will receive this is the form of an email or voucher pdf file. HOW DO I REDEEM? Simply present the gift certificate in the form of an email or voucher PDF file through your Mobile Phone or a Printed copy to the Merchant’s customer service/staff for validation, then enjoy your perfect gift! Terms and Conditions: Gifted.PH will verify all orders before processing. The gift certificate is valid immediately after receiving it. It can be redeemed in all of merchant’s branches and can be used to pay for anything for sale in the store.
It has no expiry date, is non-refundable, non-convertible to cash, is for one time use only and cannot be used in conjunction with other promos or discounts. Extra charges will apply to items purchased in excess of the value of the gift certificate. Both Gifted.PH and the merchant are not responsible for lost or stolen gift certificate. The Merchant is responsible for the quality of their own products and services. Merchant prices may change without prior notice and may be subject to additional charges.
Buy 59s UVC LED Sterilization Gift Card with crypto such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Solana, Binance Pay and many more.
1. Visit the 59s UVC LED Sterilization website.
2. Select the desired products for purchase.
3. Proceed to checkout.
4. Enter the gift card code during payment.
5. Complete the transaction.
Enjoy a clean and sterilized environment with 59s UVC LED Sterilization!
How gift cards work
Enter the amount
Select or type the amount you want the card to have.
Pay with your preferred coin
Your payment is confirmed the same minute in most cases.
That's it, ready to use it!
Redeem your card at your chosen retailer according to their instructions.
Frequently asked questions
Check out our Knowledge Base page for more FAQs
- Enter the amount you want the 59s UVC LED Sterilization gift card to have.
- Choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for payment, such as Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin or Dash. Alternatively you can pay using Binance Pay.
- Once your payment is confirmed, you will get your 59s UVC LED Sterilization gift card code.