LocalBitcoins account integration with Bitrefill ended on June 1st, 2019

Bitrefill and LocalBitcoins made it easy for users to shop at Bitrefill.com by paying directly from their LocalBitcoins wallet, without…

Bitrefill and LocalBitcoins made it easy for users to shop at Bitrefill.com by paying directly from their LocalBitcoins wallet, without having to pay network fees or wait for confirmations. LocalBitcoins announced that these merchant invoice features will be disabled for everyone on the 1st of June, 2019.

Get a Bitrefill account instead!

If you want to keep shopping at Bitrefill.com instantly and without network fees, you can create a Bitrefill Account here and keep a BTC balance with us.

Save 2% with Lightning Network payments

Better yet, you can set up your Bitcoin Lightning Wallet, and get onto the Lightning Network to receive a 2% discount on purchases while keeping custody of your funds.

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