How do I earn Bitcoin?

Bitcoin has just completed its 3rd block reward halving, creating lots of enthusiasm and hype surrounding the most popular cryptocurrency…

Bitcoin has just completed its 3rd block reward halving, creating lots of enthusiasm and hype surrounding the most popular cryptocurrency. Many new users have recently become aware of Bitcoin.

This year’s 2020 Bitcoin halving was one of the most searched terms on Google in the weeks preceding the event. Bullish sentiment abounds, and more people are using Bitcoin than ever.

Lightning Network is also seeing increased maturation, and activity. Many new services are integrating Lightning. It is ushering in the dawn of cryptocurrency.

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No wonder, then, that people ask us at Bitrefill where they can get Bitcoin. Even our users who have accessed Bitcoin before want to identify other channels to acquire this brand-new currency.


If you want to get a hold of Bitcoin, you will find a way. Many channels to do so exist. We will share them with you and will rank them according to ease and reliability.


If you have ever had a job, do you understand the rationale behind receiving a salary for working? Or if you have ever run a business, do you understand the rationale behind receiving revenue for selling a product or service? If so, then you understand how to receive Bitcoin.

Instead of asking for fiat currency, ask that your employer or customer pay you in cryptocurrency. In case they don’t have Bitcoin, you can also perform small tasks on sites like Reddit’s Jobs4Bitcoins. This may be the most straightforward and reliable way to earn Bitcoin.

Aside from Jobs4Bitcoins, there are quite a few freelancing sites which allow you to find jobs which pay in Bitcoin. They all have different fees and terms, so DYOR, but doing side jobs for Bitcoin is now simple and accessible for everyone.

Here are some popular Bitcoin Employment & Freelancing sites:

You can also get paid in Bitcoin from traditional Freelancer sites like Upwork, or Fiverr by using Bitwage, a Bitcoin payroll service which allows you to receive a portion or all of your wages in Bitcoin. Your employer doesn’t even have to know!


You can always just buy Bitcoin. Many exchanges, such as Coinbase, LocalBitcoins and Buy Bitcoin Online, exist. Connect a financial account of yours to the exchange, and you can purchase Bitcoins as if they were any other good or service. Here is a website that allows you to search for exchanges by country. This is also a straightforward and reliable way to earn Bitcoin. It’s best to buy your Bitcoin privately, from p2p exchanges.

Here’s a list of p2p Bitcoin Exchanges


Some people seek help in return for Bitcoin. For example, you could answer a question on Bitfortip. While these questions may not take much time to answer, you will compete against many people — and often for a small reward. Another site that offer Bitcoin for your thoughts is Bitcoin Reward. This is a straightforward yet competitive (and often low-paying) way to earn Bitcoin.

Many “microtask for Bitcoin” sites are now active on Lightning Network. Here’s a list of sites that let you earn Bitcoin for completing microtasks, liking posts on social media, and other similar activities:


Do you like to play games? If so, then you may be interested in Bitcoin Faucets, like Bitsler. Essentially, you click on ads or pay games in return for free cryptocurrency. The upside is that it is free. The downside is that you would waste lots of time for a small reward. This is a straightforward yet time-consuming way to earn Bitcoin.

As Bitcoin adoption has grown, many onchain Bitcoin Faucets have been phased out as the rise of transaction fees has made them unsustainable. Many faucets are now operating on the Lightning Network.

Additionally, there are now many different Lightning Network options to earn Bitcoin.

LN Faucets, adding a LN paywall to your blog, LN Poker & Blackjack, and LN Video Games which let you earn while you play, are all good ways to gain some more Bitcoin.

Here’s a link to our post on How to earn Bitcoin on the Lightning Network.


You could try to mine for Bitcoin, but this is a terrible idea for the average person. It would require investing in heavy-duty computing equipment, and even then you would not be guaranteed anything. This is a resource-intensive and unreliable way to earn Bitcoin. For more than 99% of people, forget it.


Many people will try to convince you that you can become wealthier by investing and trading Bitcoin. As we have mentioned before, be cautious of these promises! Nobody can predict the future, so how could they? Many scams sell people false dreams, and crooks run away with people’s hard-earned money. If you do decide to invest and to trade Bitcoin, be very careful with whom you do business, and be prepared to lose value in case the price of Bitcoin falls in financial markets. In general, we advise staying away — far away — from this channel unless you have previous experience with Bitcoin.

If you follow the advice above, you may earn more Bitcoin. Congratulations! Of course, now the question is how to use it. You could recharge your prepaid mobile phone with Bitrefill. Thousands of people in 150 countries use our service to do just that. You could also pay for a good or service from other companies that accept Bitcoin. Once you decide to spend it and have no more, at least you now know where to go to replenish your Bitcoin wallet.

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