JoAnn Fabrics 礼品卡
用加密货币购买 JoAnn Fabrics 礼品卡。在 JoAnn Fabrics 用 Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Binance Pay或其他加密货币付款。即时电子邮件交付。
🇺🇸 这个礼品卡只能在 USA使用
First in Fabric and the Best Craft Choices — these words express the core of what makes Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores® so exciting. Why is Jo-Ann the unique resource that it is? It starts with the great product selection in our stores and on Joann.com® and only gets better with knowledgeable customer service, a clear focus on value, and an unmatched opportunity to connect with a vital creative community.
使用比特币、以太坊、USDT、USDC、Solana、Binance Pay 等加密货币购买 JoAnn Fabrics 礼品卡。
Recipient: To redeem your eGift Card from a mobile device display the Gift Card Number and associated PIN to the cashier at the time of purchase. Cashier: Hand Key the Gift Card number and associated PIN into the POS.
JOANN Gift Cards are distributed by CashStar, Inc., a Delaware corporation ("CashStar"). By visiting https://joann.cashstar.com, you agree that the laws of the State of California, without regard to principles of conflict of laws, will govern these Gift Card terms and conditions ("Ts & Cs"). These Ts & Cs are subject to change without notice. JOANN Gift Cards are issued by Jo-Ann Stores LLC.
Please refer to https://www.joann.com/terms-conditions.html for additional Terms and Conditions.
Please refer to https://www.joann.com/terms-conditions.html for additional Terms and Conditions.
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JoAnn Fabrics 不接受加密货币,但通过 Bitrefill 您可以用比特币或其他加密货币购买 JoAnn Fabrics 礼品卡。然后可以在 JoAnn Fabrics 使用此礼品卡
- 输入你想要的JoAnn Fabrics 礼品卡金额 。
- 选择您要用于支付的加密货币,例如比特币、比特币闪电网络、以太坊、USDT、USDC、莱特币、狗狗币、达世币。或者,您可以使用 Binance Pay 进行支付。
- 一旦您的付款被确认,您将获得您的 JoAnn Fabrics 礼品卡代码。
一旦您购买了 Bitrefill 的JoAnn Fabrics 礼品卡,它几乎会立即通过电子邮件发送给您。或者您可以直接从结账页面兑换礼品卡。
如果您有其他的问题,您可以访问 我们的帮助中心 我们很乐意为您提供帮助。