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-Grupo AES EEO



Bitrefill's AES bill pay service lets you pay your bill with Bitcoin & crypto.

AES EEO El Salvador is an electric power generation and distribution company that is part of AES Corporation, a global energy company with a presence in more than 15 countries. AES EEO El Salvador has a thermal power generation plant on the country's Pacific coast, which produces electricity for the local market.

In addition to power generation, AES EEO El Salvador is also dedicated to the distribution of electrical energy through its distribution network, which covers a large part of the country. AES EEO El Salvador has a focus on innovation and sustainability, using state-of-the-art technology and sustainable practices in its operations.

AES EEO El Salvador strives to provide a reliable and secure energy supply to its customers, and works closely with regulators and other energy sector players in the country to ensure an efficient and sustainable energy supply.
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Encontre sua conta navegando pelas categorias, depois adicione o número do seu cartão de crédito ou o número da conta e o valor a pagar.

Pague usando sua moeda e wallet favoritas

Pague com Bitcoin (on-chain e Lightning), Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Binance Pay, Litecoin e muito mais. E pronto, sua conta será paga em até 3 dias úteis!