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Rating: 5 - 5 reviews

Bitrefill's CAESS bill pay service lets you pay your bill with Bitcoin & crypto.

Born in 1890 with the purpose of distributing and commercializing electrical energy. Currently, through CAESS we serve more than 619 thousand clients in the departments of Chalatenango, Cuscatlán, Cabañas and the north of San Salvador. In addition, we cover approximately 4,636 km2 to provide energy to urban sectors, rural communities and a large number of commercial and industrial clients in the country.
Enter the required data to pay your bill.
Muy Util
Muy Util2023-06-30
Pague el recibo de luz con la billetera MUUN WALLET fue muy fácil y rápido.
Josue Lopez
Josue Lopez 2022-01-20
La verdad es que es bastante intuitiva de usar, la recomiendo
Josue Lopez
Josue Lopez 2022-01-03
Josue Lopez
Josue Lopez2021-12-18
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