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Gift Card Shopee

Gift Card Shopee

Questa gift card è riscattabile solo sulla piattaforma di e-commerce

Paga Shopee con le Crypto. Acquista Shopee Carte Regalo con Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash. Consegna istantanea alla tua email.. Nessun account richiesto. Inizia a vivere le crypto!

🇮🇩 Questo codice regalo può funzionare solo in Indonesia
  • 50000 IDR

  • 100000 IDR

6,000+ cryptocurrencies accepted
    No Account Required
    Consegna e-mail
    Immediato, privato, sicuro

Shopee is a leading e-commerce company launched in 2015 and spread across Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, and Brazil.

  1. Click 'My Voucher' on My Page in Shopee app
  2. Enter the Gift Voucher Code and Click Save
  3. If successful, the voucher value will appear in My Vouchers
  4. Gift Vouchers are ready to use
  1. Voucher Shopee adalah kode voucher elektronik yang dapat digunakan oleh pengguna untuk mendapatkan diskon sebesar nilai tertentu sesuai dengan voucher tersebu
  2. Diskon berlaku untuk pembelian semua produk di Shopee kecuali: - Merchant ShopeePay - Isi Ulang (Pulsa, Paket Data, e-money, Roaming) - Tagihan (Listrik PLN, BPJS, Telkom, PDAM, Pasca Bayar, Angsuran Kredit) - Tiket (Kereta Api, Pesawat, Bus) - Hiburan (Voucher Game, Deals Sekitarmu, Tiket Event & Hiburan) - Donasi & Keuangan (Donasi, Zakat, Pinjaman Modal) - ShopeeFood - Semua Produk Keuangan.
  3. Voucher Shopee berlaku untuk penerima kode voucher saat checkout via aplikasi Shopee.
  4. Voucher Shopee dapat digunakan khusus untuk transaksi pembelian yang menggunakan pengiriman Hemat, Reguler atau Kargo.
  5. Selama Periode Penukaran, satu pengguna Shopee hanya berhak untuk melakukan satu kali penukaran Voucher Shopee. Dalam hal Shopee mendeteksi bahwa satu pengguna memiliki beberapa akun aktif maka seluruh transaksi yang dilakukan oleh beberapa akun akan dianggap dilakukan oleh 1 (satu) pengguna. Shopee berhak untuk membatalkan transaksi, menarik pemberian diskon atau cashback, membekukan akun atau apabila diperlukan mengambil tindakan lain sesuai dengan Kebijakan Shopee dan/atau hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia, apabila Shopee mendeteksi adanya penggunaan Voucher Shopee yang berlebihan dan abnormal yang dilakukan oleh pengguna dengan beberapa akun aktif yang melanggar Kebijakan Shopee dan/atau hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia.
  6. Penerbitan dan penggunaan Voucher Shopee tunduk kepada Kebijakan Shopee. Shopee memiliki diskresi penuh untuk mengubah syarat dan ketentuan dan penggunaan Voucher Shopee dengan tunduk kepada Kebijakan Shopee.
  7. Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut hubungi Customer Service Shopee 24 jam di Call Center 1500702 atau melalui fitur Live Chat di aplikasi Shopee.

  1. Shopee Voucher is an electronic voucher code that can be used by users to get a discount of a certain value according to the voucher it self
  2. Discounts apply to purchases of all products at Shopee except: - ShopeePay Merchants - Top-up (Toll, Data Packages, e-money, Roaming) - Bills (PLN Electricity, BPJS, Telkom, PDAM, Postpaid, Credit Instalments) - Tickets (Train, Airplane, Bus) - Entertainment (Game Vouchers, Nearby Deals, Event & Entertainment Tickets) - Donations & Finance (Donations, Zakat, Capital Loans) - ShopeeFood - All Financial Products.
  3. Shopee vouchers are valid for recipient to use at checkout via the Shopee application.
  4. Shopee vouchers can be used exclusively for purchase transactions using different type of shipment, from efficient, regular or cargo mechanism
  5. During the Redemption Period, one Shopee user is only entitled to redeem one Shopee Voucher. In the event that Shopee detects that one user has several active accounts, then all transactions made by multiple accounts will be deemed to have been made by 1 (one) user. Shopee has the right to cancel transactions, withdraw discounts or cashbacks, freeze accounts or if necessary take other actions in accordance with Shopee Policies and/or applicable laws in Indonesia, if Shopee detects excessive and abnormal use of Shopee Vouchers by users with several active accounts that violate Shopee Policies and/or applicable laws in Indonesia.
  6. Issuance and use of Shopee Vouchers is subject to Shopee Policies. Shopee has full discretion to change the terms and conditions and use of Shopee Vouchers subject to Shopee Policies.
  7. For further explanation, please contact Shopee Customer Service 24 hours at Call Center 1500702 or through the Live Chat feature in the Shopee application.
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Il tuo pagamento viene confermato istantaneamente nella gran parte dei casi.

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Riscatta la tua carta presso il rivenditore scelto secondo le sue istruzioni.

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Shopee non accetta crypto ma Bitrefill fornisce una soluzione alternativa consentendoti di acquistare una gift card Shopee con Bitcoin o un'altra criptovaluta. Questa gift card può quindi essere usata per fare acquisti su Shopee.
  1. Inserisci l'importo che desideri la gift card Shopee abbia.
  2. Scegli la criptovaluta che desideri usare per il pagamento, come Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash. In alternativa puoi pagare utilizzando Binance Pay.
  3. Una volta confermato il pagamento, riceverai il tuo codice della gift card Shopee.
Una volta acquistato una gift card Shopee su Bitrefill, ti verrà inviata via email quasi istantaneamente. Oppure puoi riscattare la gift card direttamente dalla pagina di checkout.
Alcune fantastiche gift card che le persone in Palau comprano di solito sono CoinEd, CoinTracking, G2A Digital Marketplace, NordLocker Encrypted Cloud Storage e NordPass Password Manager. Puoi trovare molte più opzioni visitando il sezione carte regalo.
Se hai una domanda a cui non hai avuto risposta qui, puoi visitare il nostro centro assistenza e saremo felici di aiutarti.