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Douglas 礼品卡

Douglas 礼品卡


用加密货币支付 Douglas 。用Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash买 Douglas 礼品卡 .电子邮件即时交付。无需注册帐户。用加密货币生活!

🇮🇹 这个礼品卡只能在 Italy使用
  • €10

  • €25

  • €50

  • €100

6,000+ cryptocurrencies accepted
    No Account Required
*****LOCAL***** Douglas ist eine internationale Parfümerie-Kette. Der Hauptsitz ist in Düsseldorf, Deutschland. Die ersten Parfümerien „Parfümerie Douglas“ wurden 1910 in Hamburg eröffnet. Mit mehr als 2.400 Parfümerien in 26 Ländern ist Douglas zum Marktführer mit Douglas-Parfümerien in Europa geworden. *****LOCAL***** Douglas est un réseau international de parfumerie. Son siège social est situé à Düsseldorf, en Allemagne. Les premiers parfums appelés « Parfümerie Douglas » ont ouvert à Hambourg en 1910. Plus de 2 400 parfumeries dans 26 pays en font le leader des parfumeries Douglas en Europe. *****ENGLISH***** The Parfümerie Douglas is an internationally operating perfumery chain. Its headquarters are located in Düsseldorf, Germany. The first perfumery to carry the name "Parfümerie Douglas" opened in Hamburg in 1910. With more than 2,400 perfumeries in 26 countries Douglas is the market leader in Europe.

Electronic Douglas Voucher or Electronic Voucher - bearer voucher entitling the User to redeem it in Douglas Perfumes in Poland and in the online store at The voucher is a special form of the Douglas Gift Card, it is made available to the buyer in the form of a digital code on the data carriers specified by the Publisher, including electronic mail, SMS, in printed form.
An electronic voucher of a specific value (from PLN 10 to PLN 5,000) authorizes you to carry out a voucher in all Douglas perfumeries in Poland and at
*****LOCAL***** Douglas es una red internacional de perfumería. Tiene su sede en Düsseldorf, Alemania. Las primeras perfumerías llamadas "Parfümerie Douglas" abrieron en Hamburgo en 1910. Más de 2400 perfumerías en 26 países hacen que sea el líder en las perfumerías Douglas en Europa. *****LOCAL***** Douglas è una rete internazionale di profumerie. Ha sede a Düsseldorf, in Germania. Le prime profumerie, chiamate "Parfümerie Douglas" sono stati aperte ad Amburgo nel 1910. Più di 2.400 profumerie in 26 paesi rendono Douglas il leader delle profumerie in Europa. *****LOCAL***** Parfümerie Douglas to miedzynarodowa siec perfumerii. Glówna siedziba firmy znajduje sie w Düsseldorfie w Niemczech. Pierwsza perfumeria o nazwie "Parfümerie Douglas" zostala otwarta w Hamburgu w 1910 roku. Ponad 2400 perfumerii w 26 krajach czyni Douglas liderem w sektorze perfumerii w Europie.

Voucher elektroniczny Douglas lub Voucher elektroniczny - bon towarowy na okaziciela, uprawniaja?cy Uz?ytkownika do jego realizacji w Perfumeriach Douglas na terenie Polski oraz w sklepie internetowym prowadzonym pod adresem Voucher stanowi szczego´lna? forme? Karty Upominkowej Douglas, jest udoste?pniany nabywcy w formie kodu cyfrowego, na nos´nikach danych okres´lonych przez Wydawce?, w tym poczta? elektroniczna?, SMS, w formie drukowanej.
1. Click the redemption URL to view the security PIN.
2. Copy or save the security PIN and click the Login button.
3. Enter your PIN and select the Continue button to access your gift card.
4. Save PDF to phone or download to view gift card details.
5. Buy and use in store or online!
Note: The security PIN expires 12 months from the date of delivery.

La Gift Card Douglas è utilizzabile nelle oltre 500 profumerie Douglas, Limoni e La Gardenia in Italia e su L’elenco dei negozi è consultabile su nella sezione “NEGOZI”.
Per spendere la Gift Card Douglas devi prima attivare il codice indicato sul voucher di prenotazione, che ha una validità di 6 mesi a partire dalla sua emissione. Seguendo le istruzioni indicate sullo stesso, dovrai stampare la Gift Card spendibile. Ulteriori informazioni sulla data di scadenza saranno disponibili sul buono stesso.
La Gift Card è cumulabile e spendibile in più soluzioni fino ad esaurimento del credito. In caso di furto, smarrimento o danneggiamento, la Gift Card non potrà essere sostituita, né il credito in essa contenuto potrà essere rimborsato o trasferito su una nuova Gift Card.  

The Douglas Gift Card can be used in over 500 Douglas, Limoni and La Gardenia perfumeries in Italy and on The list of shops can be consulted on in the "NEGOZI" section.
To spend the Douglas Gift Card you must first activate the code indicated on the booking voucher, which is valid for 6 months from its issue. Following the instructions indicated on the same, you will have to print the expendable Gift Card. Further information on the expiration date will be available on the voucher itself.
The Gift Card can be combined and spent in multiple solutions until the credit runs out. In the event of theft, loss or damage, the Gift Card cannot be replaced, nor can the credit in it be refunded or transferred to a new Gift Card.









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Douglas 不接受加密货币,但通过 Bitrefill 您可以用比特币或其他加密货币购买 Douglas 礼品卡。然后可以在 Douglas 使用此礼品卡
  1. 输入你想要的Douglas 礼品卡金额 。
  2. 选择您要用于支付的加密货币,例如比特币、比特币闪电网络、以太坊、USDT、USDC、莱特币、狗狗币、达世币。或者,您可以使用 Binance Pay 进行支付。
  3. 一旦您的付款被确认,您将获得您的 Douglas 礼品卡代码。
一旦您购买了 Bitrefill 的Douglas 礼品卡,它几乎会立即通过电子邮件发送给您。或者您可以直接从结账页面兑换礼品卡。
在Liberia人们最喜欢的礼品卡是 CoinEd, CoinTracking, G2A Digital Marketplace, NordLocker Encrypted Cloud Storage NordPass Password Manager. 您可以通过访问礼品卡部分找到更多选项.
如果您有其他的问题,您可以访问 我们的帮助中心 我们很乐意为您提供帮助。