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Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 礼品卡

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 礼品卡


用加密货币支付 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 。用Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash买 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 礼品卡 .电子邮件即时交付。无需注册帐户。用加密货币生活!

  • €14.99 - 1 Month

6,000+ cryptocurrencies accepted
    No Account Required

Get unlimited access to over 100 high-quality games on Xbox One, Windows10 games plus Xbox Live Gold. With new games added all the time, Xbox Game Pass is your ticket to ongoing discovery.

If you want to see how much is left on the gift card, you can simply log in to your Microsoft account and navigate to the payment options section.

You can redeem your Xbox gift card online or on your Xbox console. Here is the process:

Redeem Online:

  1. Visit and sign in to your account.
  2. Enter your code and follow the instructions.

Redeem on Xbox One or Xbox Series X/S:

  1. Sign in and press the X button, then home, and go to Store.
  2. Select 'Use a Code'.
  3. Submit the 25-character code and follow the instructions.

Redeem on Xbox 360:

  1. Access your account.
  2. Click the Guide button on your controller.
  3. Go to Games & Apps and press 'Redeem code'.
  4. Enter the 25-character code of the Xbox Gift Card we have sent you and select 'Done'.
  5. Click 'Yes' to confirm.
  1. You can’t use Microsoft or Xbox gift cards to purchase content from the Xbox 360 Marketplace or Xbox 360 content on the Xbox One.
  2. When you purchase a Microsoft or Xbox gift card, make sure that the currency you use matches the currency associated with the recipient’s billing account. Otherwise, the recipient will be unable to redeem the gift card.
  3. If you redeem a Microsoft or Xbox gift card in a country that doesn’t match the country associated with your billing account, you won’t be able to use those funds.
  4. The funds in your Microsoft account can’t be transferred after you redeem a Microsoft or Xbox gift card.

    To know more, visit:










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Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 不接受加密货币,但通过 Bitrefill 您可以用比特币或其他加密货币购买 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 礼品卡。然后可以在 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 使用此礼品卡
  1. 输入你想要的Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 礼品卡金额 。
  2. 选择您要用于支付的加密货币,例如比特币、比特币闪电网络、以太坊、USDT、USDC、莱特币、狗狗币、达世币。或者,您可以使用 Binance Pay 进行支付。
  3. 一旦您的付款被确认,您将获得您的 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 礼品卡代码。
一旦您购买了 Bitrefill 的Xbox Game Pass Ultimate 礼品卡,它几乎会立即通过电子邮件发送给您。或者您可以直接从结账页面兑换礼品卡。
人们通常购买的一些很棒的礼品卡是 Steam, PlayStation Store, Steam, Roblox Nintendo eShop. 您可以通过访问礼品卡部分找到更多选项.
如果您有其他的问题,您可以访问 我们的帮助中心 我们很乐意为您提供帮助。