Tarjeta Regalo Twitch
Clasificación: 5 - 1 opiniones
Paga en Twitch con Cripto. Compra tarjeta regalos Twitch con Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash. Entrega instantánea por correo electrónico. Sin crearte cuenta. ¡Empieza a vivir con cripto!
This gift card can only be redeemed on accounts with a gift balance in euros.
To use this card, you need to have a Twitch account.
Follow these steps to redeem it:
- Visit Twitch.tv/redeem
- Enter the gift code.
The purchase of this gift card constitutes acceptance of Twitch's Terms of Sale and the following general terms and conditions:
This card can only be used on twitch.tv, by people aged 13 years or older, and only for goods and services offered by Twitch, or for goods sold on twitch.tv or its applications. This card cannot be returned, refunded, resold or exchanged for cash, except as required by applicable law. This card cannot be used to purchase other gift cards. This gift card and the underlying value do not expire. This card is not rechargeable. There are no fees associated with gift cards.
Treat this gift card like cash. Twitch is not responsible if a gift card is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, or if it is used without your permission. This card is issued by Twitch Interactive, Inc. Please see additional terms, including instructions for using this card, at twitch.tv/legal/giftcard. For customer service, go to help.twitch.tv.
*Accounts with a gift balance in euros are currently available in the following countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
Cómo funcionan las Tarjetas Regalo
Introduce el monto
Selecciona o ingresa el monto que deseas que tenga la tarjeta.
Paga con tu moneda preferida
Tu pago se confirma en el mismo minuto en la mayoría de los casos.
¡Eso es todo, listo para usar!
Canjea tu tarjeta en el negocio elegido, de acuerdo con sus instrucciones.
Preguntas frecuentes
Echa un vistazo a nuestra Base de Conocimientos para más preguntas frecuentes
- Ingresa la cantidad que deseas para la tarjeta de Twitch.
- Elije la cripto que deseas utilizar para el pago, como Bitcoin, Bitcoin por Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash. Alternativamente puedes pagar usando Binance Pay.
- Una vez que se confirme tu pago, obtendrás tu código de Twitch.