Hotels.com USD 礼品卡
Hotels.com is the best place to get all your travel lodging bookings and reservations. Using the Hotels.com gift card, you can now pay your next hotel nights with Bitcoin, USDT, USDC, ETH, Doge, LTC, and more.
Please make sure to enter the correct card details during redemption as the card can be placed in watch status, which puts a block on the card, if you try to redeem with the incorrect pin many times.
The Hotels.com Gift Card is redeemable towards bookings at hundreds of thousands of places to stay in 200 countries and territories, ranging from international chains and all-inclusive resorts to local favorites and bed & breakfasts. Redeemable on Hotels.com, the Hotels.com Gift Card can be used in conjunction with member-only-deals and promotions. Bookings with the Hotels.com Gift Card count toward free nights with Hotels.com® Rewards where customers can earn a free* night for every 10 nights stayed. For more information visit www.hotels.com/giftcards or email giftcards@hotels.com.
*Subject to Hotels.com Rewards terms and conditions, as set out at www.hotels.com.
使用比特币、以太坊、USDT、USDC、Solana、Binance Pay 等加密货币购买 Hotels.com USD 礼品卡。
- Go to hotels.com and choose country USA and currency USD.
- Search for your hotel. When given the choice select "pay now" and Pay with your gift card.
- Only one gift card can be redeemed per online booking, but multiple gift cards may be combined into one gift card by visiting the balance transfer tab. Note: a maximum of $2,000 can be merged to any singular card. ***USABLE UP TO BALANCE ONLY FOR NEW HOTEL BOOKINGS***
*** Please review with Hotels.com for excluded items like packages and car rentals.***
For full terms and conditions please visit their site directly as gift cards are not refundable
- Only one gift card can be redeemed per online booking, but multiple gift cards may be combined into one gift card with a maximum value of $2000 by visiting the balance transfer tab found at www.hotels.com/gcbalance.
- Not redeemable at hotel locations or if you choose the Pay at Hotel option online.
- Not redeemable toward existing bookings.
- Not redeemable for Packages.
- Not redeemable for cash unless required by law.
- Not reloadable.
- Safeguard the card. Not replaced if lost or stolen.
- CARDCO CXXXIX, Inc. is the card issuer and sole obligor to card owner. CARDCO may delegate its issuer obligations to an assignee, without recourse. If delegated, the assignee, and not CARDCO, will be sole obligor to card owner. Card is distributed by Hotels.com. However, Hotels.com is not an obligor to card owner.
- Purchase, use or acceptance of card constitutes acceptance of these terms.
- For balance or other inquires visit www.hotels.com/gcbalance or call US Toll Free 1-888-999-4468
看看我们的 知识库 了解更多常见问题
- 输入你想要的Hotels.com USD 礼品卡金额 。
- 选择您要用于支付的加密货币,例如比特币、比特币闪电网络、以太坊、USDT、USDC、莱特币、狗狗币、达世币。或者,您可以使用 Binance Pay 进行支付。
- 一旦您的付款被确认,您将获得您的 Hotels.com USD 礼品卡代码。