Tarjeta Regalo Bankless.com
Purchase your one year Bankless Citizenship with crypto. Buy a Bankless Citizenship gift card with Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash. Instant email delivery. No account required. Start living on crypto!
When redeeming this gift card at Bankless, you will need to share details of a fully functioning debit or credit card. Even though it will not be charged, these details are required.
Gear up for your Bankless Journey.
Bankless Citizenship is a paid membership with exclusive access to a growing list of the ultimate resources, tools, and community to help you go Bankless, designed for all experience levels.
You'll get access to our Premium Podcast Feed, Daily Market Reports, Weekly Market and Yield Opps, and Bleeding edge research & analysis.
You'll also get access to our toolkit for going Bankless including the Airdrop Hunter, Citizen Perks, Claimables, the Token Hub, and our Private Discord - interact directly with Ryan & David and the Bankless team alongside the best community in crypto.Compra Tarjeta Regalo Bankless.com con criptomonedas como Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Solana, Binance Pay y muchas más.
- After purchasing your Annual Bankless Citizenship from Bitrefill, you will be provided an exclusive single-use code along with a stripe sign up link.
- Once you’ve received your promo code from Bitrefill, follow this stripe link (https://buy.stripe.com/5kA7sV1fZ7dz8WkfZ7) to input your debit/credit card information, your email, and your 100% discount promo code. You will not be additionally charged as long as you enter your promo code.
- You will then receive an email from team@bankless.com about all the ways to maximize your new Bankless Citizenship.
- Your account will auto-renew and your card will be charged for an annual plan after 1-year of Citizenship. You can turn off auto-renew by going to bankless.com/account, clicking Manage under the Status section, and hitting “Pause or cancel my membership”. This will set your Citizenship to cancel after your 1 year subscription has ended.
Cómo funcionan las Tarjetas Regalo
Introduce el monto
Selecciona o ingresa el monto que deseas que tenga la tarjeta.
Paga con tu moneda preferida
Tu pago se confirma en el mismo minuto en la mayoría de los casos.
¡Eso es todo, listo para usar!
Canjea tu tarjeta en el negocio elegido, de acuerdo con sus instrucciones.
Preguntas frecuentes
Echa un vistazo a nuestra Base de Conocimientos para más preguntas frecuentes
- Ingresa la cantidad que deseas para la tarjeta de Bankless.com.
- Elije la cripto que deseas utilizar para el pago, como Bitcoin, Bitcoin por Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash. Alternativamente puedes pagar usando Binance Pay.
- Una vez que se confirme tu pago, obtendrás tu código de Bankless.com.