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-Iliad Recharges

Iliad Recharges

Notation: 5 - 10 Commentaires

Cette carte-cadeau est seul échangeable sur la plateforme de commerce électronique

Utilisez Bitcoin, ETH ou Crypto sur Iliad. Payer avec Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash. Livraison instantanée par e-mail. Aucun compte requis. Commencez à vivre sur la crypto !

  • €5

  • €10

  • €15

  • €20

  • €30

  • USD
  • Euro
  • GBP
  • AUD
  • CAD
  • INR
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bitcoin (sats)
  • Litecoin
  • Ethereum
  • USDC
  • USDT
  • Dash
  • Dogecoin
  • Instantané, confidentiel, sécuritaire

  • Livraison par courriel

Recharge Iliad online | Purchase credit from €5 to €30

To recharge your Illiad mobile credit, the simplest option is to purchase a recharge online. You can do it anytime and anywhere, without the need for an Illiad Italia phone contract or visiting a physical store. In less than a minute, you'll receive the recharge directly on your phone, avoiding running out of credit.

To manage your expenses and avoid running out of credit, purchase an Illiad recharge online in a few simple steps. After completing the payment, you'll receive the recharge directly on your phone within 30 seconds, followed by an email confirmation of the completed transaction.

If you want to send an Iliad recharge to a friend or family member, just input their phone number, and they'll receive the credit in a few seconds. With Iliad, you can easily recharge and stop worrying about running out of credit!

How to recharge Iliad online?

  1. Choose the desired recharge amount.
  2. Enter the correct phone number and email address, remembering that the recharge will be sent to the indicated phone number.
  3. Make the payment securely. You'll receive the Iliad credit directly on your phone in about 30 seconds, without the need for an Illiad Italia phone contract or visiting a physical store.

What is an Iliad recharge? By purchasing an Iliad recharge, you can top up your credit and continue using your calling and messaging service. By choosing the desired recharge amount and completing the payment securely, you'll never have to worry about running out of credit again. You'll receive the new credit on your phone in less than a minute, without any constraints of an Illiad Italia phone contract and without the need to visit a physical store.

You can purchase an Iliad recharge from anywhere in the world, anytime, easily and quickly. Choose your preferred recharge amount, complete the payment, and the Iliad credit will be sent directly to your phone. No matter where you are, with Iliad, you can always manage your expenses and stay connected with your loved ones and friends.

How to check the remaining Iliad credit? The simplest way to check your remaining Iliad credit is by calling the number 400 from your Iliad number.

How to contact Iliad?

You can contact Iliad customer service in 3 ways:

  1. By calling the number 177 from your Iliad number in Italy.
  2. By visiting the Iliad website.
  3. By visiting the Iliad Facebook page.
Funziona, mettete +39 prima del numero. Il credito arriva istantaneamente
Not received
Veloce, sicuro e senza commissioni spropositate. Ho ricevuto la ricarica pochi minuti dopo il pagamento.
Super efficiente e veloce!
Semplice ed immediato. Molto meglio di altri servizi che comprendono commissioni, paghi in BTC o Euro ed il gioco è fatto.
Ottimo servizio, boicottiamo la moneta FIAT !
Funziona. Prima ti arriva un sms che ti avvisa di aver ricevuto un sms da Bitrefill, e dopo qualche minuto arriva quello classico di Iliad di avvenuta ricarica
Italia Iliad
Italia Iliad2023-05-23
Gianluca 2023-03-24
Signaler un problème

Comment fonctionnent les recharges

Saisissez un numéro de téléphone et un montant

Tapez le numéro de téléphone et le montant que vous souhaitez rechargez

Payez avec votre crypto monnaie préférée

Votre paiement est confirmé en une minute dans la plupart des cas.

Ça y est, voici votre recharge

Une fois votre paiement confirmé, vous recevrez votre recharge.

Questions fréquemment posées

Consultez notre Base de connaissances page pour plus de FAQ

Iliad n'accepte pas la crypto mais Bitrefill fournit une solution de contournement qui vous permet de recharger votre plan téléphonique avec Bitcoin ou d'autres crypto-monnaies.
Une recharge de temps d'antenne mobile doit être ajoutée à un numéro de téléphone en quelques secondes à quelques minutes. Parfois, il peut y avoir un petit retard de la part de l'opérateur mobile, mais rassurez-vous, nous vous enverrons un e-mail de confirmation dès que votre recharge aura été traitée avec succès.
Certaines alternatives envisagées par les clients Switzerland sont généralement Lyca Mobile PIN, Sunrise PrePaid Guthaben, Salt PrePaid Guthaben, LycaMobile Hello Swiss et Mucho PrePaid Guthaben. Vous pouvez trouver de nombreuses autres options en visitant la section de recharge de téléphone sur notre site Internet.
Si vous avez une question dont vous ne trouvez pas la réponse ici, vous pouvez visiter notre centre d'aide et nous serons heureux de vous aider.