iPhone refills are here: Download the Bitrefill iOS app today!

It’s finally here — today we’re pleased to announce the new Bitrefill app for iOS!

It’s finally here — today we’re pleased to announce the new Bitrefill app for iOS!

Bitrefill for iPhone introduces a new feature for those looking for a quick purchase on the go — you can top up your prepaid phone and buy vouchers without logging into an account. The app allows you to refill anytime, from anywhere, and uses less data than topping up from Bitrefill.com from your browser. As soon as Lightning wallets are available, iOS users will also be able to pay with Lightning straight from their iPhone — we just surpassed 1 BTC in payments received through the Lightning network!

The Bitrefill iOS app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch lets you buy mobile top ups in over 160 countries, Steam vouchers, Xbox vouchers (EU only), and vouchers for Playstation/Google Play/iTunes/Amazon/Spotify/Nintendo (Germany only). The app also accepts Litecoin, Ethereum, Dash, and Dogecoin for purchases on Bitrefill.

Download our new iOS app and start using Bitrefill today!

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