How to Pay Hotel with Bitcoin or Crypto

Bitcoin is a digital currency that has gained popularity over the years, especially for its decentralized and secure nature. The use of Bitcoin has been expanding beyond online transactions to other areas such as real estate and travel. Hotels are some of the businesses that have embraced Bitcoin as a payment option.

However, not all hotels accept payments with Bitcoin or other cryptocurrecies directly. In such cases, one may use gift cards purchased from Bitrefill to pay for their stay. This article outlines the steps to follow when buying hotel gift cards at Bitrefill.

Buy Gift Cards with Bitcoin or Crypto

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๐Ÿ‘‰ Shop Gift Cards with Crypto

How to Pay Hotel with Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrencies

Step 1:

Visit the Bitrefill website or download our app at App Store or Google Play

Step 2: Set up a Bitrefill account

You donโ€™t have to create an account to access the store. All you have to do is to provide an email address at check out in that case. Jump to the next step if you donโ€™t want to create an account. If you're a new user and want to create an account, click on "Sign Up" in the top-right corner of the page to create an account. If you're an existing user, click on "Log In" to access your account.

Step 2: Choose the hotel gift card

The next step is to select the hotel gift card that corresponds to the hotel you want to stay at. Bitrefill offers gift cards for a variety of hotels and hotel aggregators, so you should be able to find one that suits your needs. Some of the hotels that accept Bitrefill gift cards include Marriott, Hilton, and aggregators like, among others.

Buy Gift Cards with Bitcoin or Crypto

Pay with BTC, ETH, Binance Pay, USDT, DOGE, LTC, DASH

๐Ÿ‘‰ Shop Gift Cards with Crypto

Step 3: Choose the gift card value

After selecting the hotel gift card, you need to choose the value of the gift card that you need to cover the cost of your stay. The value of the gift card will depend on the hotel and the duration of your stay. Ensure that you select a gift card that covers the full cost of your stay to avoid any inconveniences.

Step 4: Pay with Bitcoin or Crypto

The next step is to pay for the gift card with Bitcoin or any other desired cryptocurrency we accept. Bitrefill accepts Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Binance pay payments, which are processed instantly. To pay with crypto, select your preferred cryptocurrency as the payment method and complete the checkout process.

You will be directed to a payment page where you will be provided with a Bitcoin address to which you can send the payment. The payment amount will be calculated based on the value of the gift card and the current Bitcoin exchange rate.

Step 5: Receive the gift card code

After making the payment, you will receive a gift card code that you can use to pay for your hotel stay. The gift card code will be sent to your email address, and you can also access it from your Bitrefill account.

Depending on the hotel, you may need to present the gift card code at check-in, or you may be able to use it to book your stay directly online.

Advantages of paying for hotels with Bitcoin gift cards

Using Bitcoin gift cards to pay for your hotel stay comes with several advantages. These include:


When you pay with Bitcoin, you do not need to provide any personal information such as your name or address. This makes Bitcoin transactions anonymous, which can be beneficial for people who value their privacy.


Bitcoin transactions are secure and cannot be reversed once they have been processed. This eliminates the risk of chargebacks and fraud, which are common in credit card transactions.

Bitcoin transactions are processed almost instantly, which means that you can receive your gift card code within a few minutes of making the payment. This is particularly useful if you need to make last-minute travel arrangements.

Lower transaction fees

Bitcoin transactions have lower transaction fees compared to credit card transactions. This means that you can save money on transaction fees when you pay with Bitcoin.


In conclusion, paying for your hotel stay with Bitcoin gift cards purchased from Bitrefill is a convenient and secure option. The process is straightforward, and you can complete the entire transaction within a few minutes. Additionally, paying with Bitcoin comes with several benefits, including anonymity, security, etc.

Buy Gift Cards with Bitcoin or Crypto

Pay with BTC, ETH, Binance Pay, USDT, DOGE, LTC, DASH

๐Ÿ‘‰ Shop Gift Cards with Crypto
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