Tarjeta Regalo Clash of Clans
Boost your village's growth with Clash of Clans Gems, the premium in-game currency that gives you faster progress and game advantage. Purchase packages of 500, 1200, 2,500, 6,500 or 14,000 Gems now with Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash. Instant delivery, no account is required.
Clash of Clans is an online multiplayer game where players build their own villages and train troops to compete against other players. It has millions of players worldwide. In terms of purchases, players can buy gems through gift cards or in-app purchases. These gems can be used to speed up village development and purchase items within the game.
Buy Tarjeta Regalo Clash of Clans with crypto such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Solana, Binance Pay and many more.
- Go to: https://topup.mintroute.com/home/clash_royale
- Enter Clash Royale User ID and select the game server.
- Select the product.
- Enter your email address.
- Enter the code printed on your receipt.
- Confirm and complete the payment.
To find your Player Tag:
- Tap the ‘Profile’ button in the top left corner of your game screen.
- View your Player Tag right below your in-game
Cómo funcionan las Tarjetas Regalo
Introduce el monto
Selecciona o ingresa el monto que deseas que tenga la tarjeta.
Paga con tu moneda preferida
Tu pago se confirma en el mismo minuto en la mayoría de los casos.
¡Eso es todo, listo para usar!
Canjea tu tarjeta en el negocio elegido, de acuerdo con sus instrucciones.
Preguntas frecuentes
Echa un vistazo a nuestra Base de Conocimientos para más preguntas frecuentes
- Ingresa la cantidad que deseas para la tarjeta de Clash of Clans.
- Elije la cripto que deseas utilizar para el pago, como Bitcoin, Bitcoin por Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash. Alternativamente puedes pagar usando Binance Pay.
- Una vez que se confirme tu pago, obtendrás tu código de Clash of Clans.