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Tarjeta Regalo Thor Lightning Channel Capacity

Tarjeta Regalo Thor Lightning Channel Capacity

Comprar Thor Lightning Channel Capacity Tarjetas de regalo con cripto en línea. Paga en Thor Lightning Channel Capacity con Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Binance Pay, y otras criptomonedas. Entrega de correo electrónico instantánea.

Amount purchased is for a channel with inbound receiving capacity

  • 1000000 sats

  • 2000000 sats

BitcoinLightningEthereumUSDCUSDTSolanaBASEPolygon (MATIC)Li.Finance
    No se requiere cuenta
    Entrega de email
    Instantáneo, Privado, Seguro

What is Thor?

This service will let anyone get an empty Lightning channel opened to them from Bitrefill's node on the Lightning network. Now anyone can pay for, or gift, the ability to have a channel opened to a Lightning wallet, allowing them to receive payments over Lightning at any time.

Why do I need Thor?

If someone's looking to receive bitcoin, as tips or other earnings, this is a quick and easy tool to get started. Bitrefill's node is a highly interconnected in the Lightning network. Thor allows anyone to receive coins on Lightning with an app and a "link", even if they don't have any Bitcoin yet!

What are the limitations?

Each Thor channel will be kept open on our side for 30 days, potentially longer if there's activity on it. The reason for this limitation, and why this service comes at a cost, is that opening an empty channel requires us to lock up our bitcoin into your channel and keep them there.

Buy Tarjeta Regalo Thor Lightning Channel Capacity with crypto such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Solana, Binance Pay and many more.
Para usuarios de Umbrel: debe instalar la aplicación RTL (Ride the Lightning) en Umbrel. Proporcione su ID de nodo e introdúzcalo en el enlace de Thor. Luego conéctese a nuestro nodo como par, el canal debería aparecer en unos minutos
D8-VaP'(E)N vs. Thor
D8-VaP'(E)N vs. Thor2021-03-18
There are so many reasons ... just in general as to why this is such perfect app - ABC .. 123.. 1- HELPFULNESS (A+) 2- LEGIT (A+) 3- SELECTION OMG YO (A+) 4- CARDS WORK (A+) 5- TRANSPARENT
Didn't work for me.
Didn't work for me. 2022-10-07
I payd the "money", received an e-mail. There was an "LNURL" or so. It opened my wallet app. A text box assured "connect to service" - - and nothing happened :'(
mohammed saidoo
mohammed saidoo2023-10-02
mohammed saidoo
mohammed saidoo2023-09-26
good app
Works with RTL on myNode. It can take a while (5min+) until you can see it under your channels as pending. Very uncomplicated process!
Krypto multiparts pa
Krypto multiparts pa2022-09-06
Large channels multi pay datalos protekt and show on
Works as expected. Fairly priced compared to some other services
brickstring tech
brickstring tech2019-01-19
Used the Bitrefill services multiple times with the Lightning network. This company is amazing. THOR is awesome. They are industry leaders hands-down.
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Cómo funcionan las Tarjetas Regalo

Introduce el monto

Selecciona o ingresa el monto que deseas que tenga la tarjeta.

Paga con tu moneda preferida

Tu pago se confirma en el mismo minuto en la mayoría de los casos.

¡Eso es todo, listo para usar!

Canjea tu tarjeta en el negocio elegido, de acuerdo con sus instrucciones.

Preguntas frecuentes

Echa un vistazo a nuestra Base de Conocimientos para más preguntas frecuentes

Thor Lightning Channel Capacity no acepta criptomonedas, pero Bitrefill proporciona una solución al permitirte comprar una tarjeta regalo de Thor Lightning Channel Capacity con Bitcoin u otra criptomoneda. Esta tarjeta se puede utilizar para realizar compras en Thor Lightning Channel Capacity.
  1. Ingresa la cantidad que deseas para la tarjeta de Thor Lightning Channel Capacity.
  2. Elije la cripto que deseas utilizar para el pago, como Bitcoin, Bitcoin por Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash. Alternativamente puedes pagar usando Binance Pay.
  3. Una vez que se confirme tu pago, obtendrás tu código de Thor Lightning Channel Capacity.
Una vez que hayas comprado una tarjeta regalo de Thor Lightning Channel Capacity en Bitrefill, se te enviará por correo electrónico casi al instante. O puedes canjearla directamente desde la página de pago.
Algunas excelentes tarjetas de regalo que la gente suele comprar son Coinkite Bitcoin Wallets y Foundation Bitcoin Wallets. Puedes encontrar muchas más opciones visitando la sección de tarjeta regalos.
Si tienes una pregunta que no está respondida aquí, puedes visitar nuestro centro de ayuda y estaremos encantados de servirte.