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eBay 기프트 카드

eBay 기프트 카드

Pay on Ebay with Crypto. Buy Ebay gift card with Bitcoin, Lightning, Ethereum, Binance Pay, USDT, USDC, Dogecoin, Litecoin, Dash. Instant delivery by email. Ebay is the original online auction site that made shopping on the internet commonplace. Ebay lets you place bids on millions of new and used products, goods and services.

이 기프트 코드는 eBay 다음 국가에서: 🇺🇸USA 그리고 🇵🇷Puerto Rico
  • $5

  • $10

  • $20

  • $50

  • $100

  • $150

  • $200

  • $250

  • $300

  • $350

  • $400

  • $450

  • $500

6,000+ cryptocurrencies accepted
    No Account Required
    이메일 전달
    즉시, 비공개, 안전

One Card. So Many Options. That’s exactly what eBay Gift Cards offer the recipient. Whether it's new, unique or anything in between, eBay has you covered for any gift, any occasion, every time!

Shop from millions of items in Electronics, Toys, Motors, Fashion, Home & Garden, Art, Collectibles, and many more categories. eBay Gift Cards have no fees. Use it to shop now.

eBay 기프트 카드를 사용하려면 미국에 등록된 eBay 계정과 미국 배송 주소가 필요합니다. eBay 기프트 카드를 사용하여 eBay.com에 나열된 항목을 결제할 수 있습니다.
Works without issue. Enter the code at checkout and it will apply to your order. Thanks again Bitrefill!
Fast and easy process. Just specify the amount, send the coins, and you'll have a gift card.
Miles Prowler
Miles Prowler2022-05-21
Got 110 USD Ebay gift card :D The process took a long time about 45 minutes but i got it :D BTC - to Ebay <3 Thanks :D
Work instantly after purchase on bitrefill on ebay. it worked without delay. would probably purchase again.
Worked great!
Worked great!2022-01-14
I was a tad concerned reading the few reviews about eBay freezing the card, but went for it and worked perfectly.
I really liked how I was able to swap eth for gift cards. So much faster and easier. I would defiantly use this again!!!
Frank Dees
Frank Dees2021-05-30
I have been using Bitrefill for 6 months now. Can not say how much I value this company! Everything is easy and smooth, within 5 minutes I have my gift cards, I usually purchase Amazon gift cards, But this time I was buying a graphics card on Ebay, so I used some of my Ethereum to buy it. Thanks so much! Saves fees!
Got $35 of eBay GC and used it immediately and went thru without a snag! Recommend!
The Far Shore
The Far Shore2021-04-10
Extremely fast and easy to use with the coinbase wallet app. I was able to buy a PS5 in 10 mins. I will definitely use this again
  • Treat your eBay Gift Card like cash.
  • To use this Gift Card, you must have a U.S. registered eBay account, a PayPal account, and a U.S. shipping address.
  • Only redeemable for items listed on where PayPal is accepted.
  • After first use, the Gift Card is non-transferrable. Not refundable or redeemable for cash unless required by law.
  • This Gift Card never expires and there are no fees.
  • This card is subject to full terms and conditions.
  • Redemption limits apply: No more than a total of $1000 in Gift Cards may be redeemed per day, and no more than a total of $1500 in Gift Cards may be redeemed per calendar month. Further, you may only redeem a maximum of four Gift Cards in any single transaction (and fewer if you are redeeming Gift Cards in combination with other redemption codes, such as coupons or vouchers).

To check balance, seek assistance, or read the full terms and conditions visit Discover millions of ways to redeem your Gift Card at:

Issued by eBay Gift Card Services, Inc., an Arizona corporation© 2022 eBay Inc.

To avoid scams DO NOT use as form of payment off is ONLY redeemable directly on

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기프트 카드 작동 방식

금액 입력

카드에 원하는 금액을 선택하거나 입력합니다.

원하는 코인으로 결제

대부분의 경우 결제는 같은 분에 확인됩니다.

이제 사용할 준비가 되었습니다!

안내에 따라 선택한 판매점에서 카드를 사용하세요.

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eBay 암호화폐를 허용하지 않지만 Bitrefill은 암호화폐를 구매할 수 있도록 하여 해결 방법을 제공합니다. eBay 비트코인 또는 다른 암호화폐가 포함된 기프트 카드. 이 기프트 카드는 다음에서 구매하는 데 사용할 수 있습니다. eBay.
  1. 원하는 금액을 입력하세요 eBay 가지고 있는 기프트 카드.
  2. Bitcoin, Bitcoin Lightning, Ethereum, USDT, USDC, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash와 같이 지불에 사용하려는 암호 화폐를 선택하십시오. 또는 바이낸스 페이를 사용하여 결제할 수 있습니다.
  3. 결제가 확인되면 고객님의 eBay 기프트 카드 코드.
일단 당신이 구입 한 eBay Bitrefill의 기프트 카드는 거의 즉시 이메일로 전송됩니다. 또는 결제 페이지에서 직접 기프트 카드를 사용할 수 있습니다.
사람들이 사용할 수 있는 훌륭한 기프트 카드 USA 보통 구매는, Apple, Walmart, Best Buy® 그리고 Instacart. 다음을 방문하면 더 많은 옵션을 찾을 수 있습니다. 기프트 카드 섹션.
여기에 답변되지 않은 질문이 있는 경우 다음을 방문할 수 있습니다. 우리의 도움말 센터 기꺼이 도와드리겠습니다.