Twitch is now live on Bitrefill!

Twitch, the popular streaming platform & community for gamers, is now live on Bitrefill. Now you can pay for all your favorite content on…

Twitch, the popular streaming platform & community for gamers, is now live on Bitrefill. Now you can pay for all your favorite content on Twitch with Bitcoin, Altcoins or instant Lightning Network payments.

Bitrefill has been getting requests from the gamer segment of our customers to carry Twitch, for a long time now. Finally the stars have aligned, and we are proud to announce that your prayers have been answered. Twitch is now available on Bitrefill.

Twitch, is hands down, the most popular streaming platform for gamers and gaming related content. Twitch has a community with millions of members and features the hottest gaming live streaming content anywhere in the world.

Twitch also allows viewers to support their favorite streamers by subscribing, tipping, and purchasing premium content with Twitch’s platform specific Bits currency. Twitch is compatible with almost any device to allow for both mobile and desktop streaming for almost any software platform.

Twitch is such a popular platform that now many content creators are branching out and beginning to use the platform for many non-gaming use cases. In some cases, people are even streaming online classes on Twitch. Streams for a wide variety of non-gaming topics are becoming more and more popular.

One of the most popular qualities of Twitch is the ability to livestream events to your followers and fans. The ability to monetize these streams is a powerful incentive for Twitch community members to utilize the platform’s live streaming events for album releases, video premiers, special events, and other media debuts.

Because Twitch is a brand new offering for Bitrefill, we’re celebrating with a special Sats back rewards rate of 2% which is double the standard 1% Sats back that we offer on every purchase for Bitrefill account holders.

With a Bitrefill Twitch gift card, you can now take advantage of all that Twitch has to offer and access it with Bitcoin, securely and privately. With a Bitrefill account, you’ll earn Sats back instantly, whenever you make a Twitch purchase. It only takes an email to sign up.

If you found this post helpful, let us know on Twitter, in our Telegram Chat, or in our subReddit, r/Bitrefill. As always, thank you for using Bitrefill!

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