Vote in Bitrefill’s #GivingTuesday Contest!

On the 28th of November, for Giving Tuesday, Bitrefill will give €1 for each order on Bitrefill (up to €10,000) to a crypto-accepting charity.

We asked the public to nominate charities who currently accept crypto and selected twelve of them for the first round of voting in the contest. There was a massive turnout in the first round of Bitrefill’s Giving Tuesday Contest, and the public selected four finalists for a chance to win up to €10,000!

The poll will be open for 24 hours.

You can vote on X here! Do you want to learn more about the contestants? Learn more below!

Bitcoin Ekasi 🏄‍♂️

What will they do with the money?  

Continue building #Bitcoin circular economies in Peru to build and execute programs for people in impoverished communities by educating and equipping them with the means to succeed.

Mi Primer Bitcoin👩‍🎓

What will they do with the money?  

The donation will be used to support the growth of their new and improved Bitcoin Diploma, which they are rolling out to their global network of Bitcoin educators.

Motiv Perú 🏫

What will they do with the money?  

Continue building #Bitcoin circular economies in Peru.

Defi Argentina 🥩

What will they do with the money?  

With each donation they receive, they purchase food for community kitchens in Buenos Aires, Córdoba, and Santa Fe.

Do you want your favorite charity to win? Make sure that you retweet and tell your network about the contest. Thank you to everyone who is voting and participating!

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